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Veterans United Home Loans recognized as one of the 100 Best Workplaces for Women by Great Place to Work and Fortune

September 30, 2015

Company noted for its commitment to creating an inclusive environment

COLUMBIA, Mo. - Veterans United Home Loans is honored to announce it is one of the 100 Best Workplaces for Women by Great Place to Work and Fortune. The national lender focuses on VA Home Loans and was chosen as the 48th highest ranked company on the list.

In the Great Places to Work survey, the women of our company shared what it's like to work here, said Amanda Andrade, chief people officer at Veterans United. We are thrilled to know the women at Veterans United are experiencing how much we value their contributions. We are equally excited they feel they are an integral part of our mission to enhance the lives of our co-workers, our Veterans and our communities.

Veterans United and the 99 other winning companies were selected based on evaluations by more than 135,000 female employees on Great Place to Work's Trust Index© employee survey. Women were surveyed on the fairness of their company's promotions, who has access to information and leadership, the level of support for employees' personal lives and the degree of inclusiveness and connection they feel with their colleagues. Scores also took into account how well-represented women are within the workforce, management and executive positions, how positively women experience their workplace's fairness and how favorable women's experiences are compared to the 138,000 men also surveyed.

Across the 637 companies studied, Great Place to Work® found men's and women's experiences were most likely to differ on measures assessing the fairness of their workplaces, as well as several measures rating their access to communications and involvement in workplace decision-making. By contrast, researcher's analysis of women and men's results show the 100 winning workplaces create a more consistent and inclusive environment for both genders across a range of day-to-day trust building behaviors, including employees' access to special recognition, fair treatment regardless of role and management's approachability.

The companies on this list are leaders who recognize the strategic importance of creating workplaces that attract and support the best talents in their industries, said Michael Bush, CEO at Great Place to Work® United States. While specialized programs to support women's equal access to opportunity are often strategic, in many ways it is just as important- and challenging for leaders- to establish a pattern of inclusiveness throughout everyday workplace interactions since these rely on everyone to overcome their blind spots. Ranking on this list is a great indicator that these companies efforts to create great workplaces are resonating throughout their teams.

The 100 Best Workplaces for Women ranking is one of a series of awards by Great Place to Work® and Fortune based upon employee survey feedback from published Great Place to Work® Reviews. Other companies on the list include: Edward Jones, Hyatt Hotels, L.L. Bean and more.

Veterans United Facts

  • $22.7 billion
    in loans financed in 2024
  • Defense Employer Support Freedom Award Recipient
    by the Secretary of Defense
  • More than 4,200 employees
    in 36 states
  • More than $140 million
    raised for nonprofit charitable arm, Veterans United Foundation since Nov. 2011
  • No. 5 Best Place to Work
    according to PEOPLE Magazine 2024 Companies that Care rankings

Featured In

  • Chicago Tribune
  • Los Angeles Times
  • Yahoo! Finance
  • US News & World Report
  • CNN Money
  • INC 500

Meet The Expert

Chris Birk, Vice President of Mortgage Insight at Veterans United Chris Birk
Author, The Book on VA Loans

Chris is the nation’s leading expert on VA Loan benefits. He authored The Book on VA Loans in 2011, and maintains the VA Loans Insider blog. His analysis and articles have appeared at a host of sites and publications, including the Washington Post, The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, ABC News, USA Today, the Houston Chronicle and more. Members of the media may request a free copy of The Book on VA Loans to learn more about the VA loan program.

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