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A Conversation with the Country's Veteran Housing Chief


The historic VA home loan program is in the middle of an incredible stretch.

The Department of Veterans Affairs backed its 20 millionth loan in October 2012. The program set an all-time record for loan guarantees in FY 2013, and it's on the verge of breaking that just two years later.

Veterans and service members are turning to this flexible, $0 down home loan like never before, driven in large part by a tough and unwelcoming credit environment. VA loan volume has soared since the housing crash, and this long-cherished loan product has emerged as arguably the most powerful mortgage on the market.

I've had the honor of interviewing Mike Frueh, director of the VA loan program, several times during the last few years. Our latest conversation about VA loans and veteran homeownership took place at the beautiful U.S. Navy Memorial in Washington, D.C.

We covered a host of topics during our 40-minute conversation, from the amazing growth of VA loans to the critical role they're playing for first-time homebuyers and veterans in the current housing market.

About Our Editorial Process

Veterans United is recognized as the leading VA lender in the nation, unmatched in our specialization and expertise in VA loans. Our strict adherence to accuracy and the highest editorial standards guarantees our information is based on thoroughly vetted, unbiased research. Committed to excellence, we offer guidance to our nation's Veterans, ensuring their homebuying experience is informed, seamless and secured with integrity.

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