It was as if they had never worked a VA purchase ever in their career. Worst experience of my life!
Response from Veterans United
If you’re willing to discuss this further, I’d like to learn more. I’ve left my callback information in your voicemail or you can email me directly. Our Client Advocate team remains available as a resource for you even after closing, too. Please reach out if you need and we’ll see how we can help.
Thank you,
Dave, Client Advocate
Great group of people to work with. 3rd house in 4 years. Amazing experience.

My Loan Officer Matt Eichenberger is the best. He guided me through from the start to closing stress free and I am a first time homeowner now. I couldn’t have done it without Matt and his team. Thank you Matt.

Everyone was truly amazing. Very helpful throughout the entire process

Thank you VU team for an outstanding support and professionalism! What an awesome team throughout the loan and home buying process - smooth sailing! My son and I love our new home!

Nothing to say.

I've been working on many things for 11 years to get a home. Three years ago, I put in to get a home and Veterans United has working me to help get me on track to get a home. I finally signed on my new house Friday! Thank you to everyone at Veterans United! You made my dream come true!

I am in a brand new home with the help of veteran’s united, what more can I say, they did a lot of hard work. They got me approved to have this home so thanks to all who attributed to making a dream come true.

Ready to see for yourself?
Experience first-hand why 327,793 homeowners give us a perfect score!
Great experience from veterans United however the sellers and seller’s realtor proved difficult when getting information which created a lot of stress within the last few days before closing.