I could not have asked for a better team!

Every person I interacted with at Veterans United was professional, kind, and valued my time. I appreciated the efficiency, reliability, and effort that my realtor and loan officer put into making sure I purchased a home I’d thrive in. I cannot recommend Veterans United more. Thank you for providing me the opportunity to own my first home!

Chris’s team are outstanding and should be promoted or paid way more for the services they provided me. Thank you for helping me achieve the American dream in finally being a home owner!!!!

Ready to see for yourself?
Experience first-hand why 327,675 homeowners give us a perfect score!

From offer to closing in less than 30 days! What more can I say? Thanks to the great Veterans United team and Katie Rose! It’s was a great experience. She kept us on track, was very attentive to our needs/questions, and processed everything very quickly. It was by far the best home loan experience I’ve had in my 62 years!

Veterans United got me through my home refinance when my original mortgage holder turned me down. I needed the extra cash for my divorce settlement and if it wasn't for Veterans United, I'm not sure how I would have come up with cash. Thank you so much!!